Donkey Weenus (2025)

1. Donkey Weenus Bottom Rubber Assistant Tool

  • The Donkey Weenus (DW) is designed to assist garage door professionals in replacing the most common bottom rubbers in the industry.

  • The Donkey Weenus (DW) is designed to assist garage door professionals in replacing the most common bottom rubbers in the industry. The DW will work on doors up to 2 1/2″ thick and accommodate up to 5 1/2″ bottom rubbers. The tool will also work on either the left or right side of the door exactly the same way to make replacing the bottom rubber easier when obstacles may be present.

2. Donkey Door Products: Garage Door Products & Accessories

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  • {So my boss gave me this “donkey cone” thing and I’ve had it in my toolbox for a while now. Yesterday I came across a spring that I needed to add tension to. Some genius had beaten the cone up so bad that one of the plugs was broken off. I could not put a bar in it without it spinning out. I used the “donkey cone” to add the tension and it worked perfect. Glad I have it on my truck.

3. Garage Doors Donkey Weenus Bottom Rubber Assistant Tool

  • This assistant tool alleviates the difficulties associated with the installation process, ensuring a snug fit and proper alignment of the bottom rubber. Its ...

  • #VALUE!

4. Garage Doors Donkey Weenus Bottom Rubber Assistant Tool -USA ...


  • DONKEY WEENUS BOTTOM SEAL ASSISTANT TOOL. Code: TODW. Qty: Company Locations Resources. © 2024 GDS Garage Door Supplies Inc.. All rights reserved.


6. Shop | Donkey Door Products

  • Donkey Cone by Donkey Door Products. Donkey Cone. $289.00 · Donkey Weenus Bottom Rubber Assistant Tool. $249.00. Copyright 2024 Donkey Door Products.

  • Copyright 2024 Donkey Door Products. All Rights Reserved.

7. General Tools - GDS Garage Door Supplies

8. Donkey Door Products - Company Profile - Tracxn

  • Jul 20, 2024 · Donkey Door Products is a company that offers garage door products and accessories. Their flagship product, the Donkey Weenus, is designed ...

  • Donkey Door Products - Provider of garage door products and accessories.

9. [PDF] Overhead Door adds springless sectional door model - DASMA

  • Donkey Weenus, a bottom seal assistant tool that allows installers to replace common seals quickly and easily. The Donkey Weenus aligns on the bottom.

10. Garage Door-Donkey Cone Spring Winding Tool -USA Vendor 100 ...

  • GarageDoorProject™ Replacement Part -Garage Doors Donkey Weenus Bottom Rubber Assistant Tool -USA Vendor 100% OEM Manufacturers with New Production Dates.

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11. Weenus Lube

  • Missing: donkey | Show results with:donkey

  • From dry elbow to fully lubricated weenus

12. Re-Source Industries | Fort Worth TX - Facebook

  • See the Donkey Weenus bottom seal assistant tool in a... March 9, 2023 at 4:00PM · 387 Views. Julian Jaimes and 11 others. 02:08. Bearing Blaster Tool ...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

13. Special Door Tools Archives - Denco Door Stuff

  • DW Bottom Rubber Assistant Tool. SKU: T DONKEYWEENUS. Login to see prices. Login to buy · Garage Door Bearing Blaster. SKU: T BRINGBLASTER.

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14. What is the plural of wenus? - Answers

  • Apr 28, 2022 · The plural of wenus is weni ... The plural of 'donkey' is donkeys.The plural of 'sky' is skies.The ...

  • The plural of wenus is weni.

Donkey Weenus (2025)


What are the lesions on donkeys skin? ›

Sarcoids. These are common skin tumours we see in donkeys and other equines. These lesions can appear suddenly, are believed to be transmissible between donkeys and once a donkey has one they are likely to get more. The appearance of sarcoids can vary from flat to nodular.

What are fat deposits on donkeys? ›

Their access to nutrition far exceeds their ability to burn it off. Donkeys tend to store all this excess in the form of fatty deposits, or fat pads, all over their bodies. They can develop very large “cresty” necks, and when the neck gets too fat, it will flop over to one side.

What is a donkey cone? ›

The Donkey Cone tool is a 2 piece coupler made from 60/61 heavey duty aluminum that fits onto a standard winding cone secured with 2 fasteners. It's purpose is to convert a standard 4 hole (90° option) to an 8 hole (45° option) to allow for safer winding with industry standard 18″ winding bars.

Why do donkeys lift their lips? ›

👉 When donkeys curl their top lip and 'smile', they're actually using the Flehmen Response to process new or interesting smells. Find out more about the science behind the smile 😄➡️ #DonkeyWeek2018.

What is the donkey skin myth? ›

In this tale, titled The Princess in the Donkey Skin, a king plans to marry his daughter to the ugly king of Faraway Land, but the princess refuses and declares she would rather live in a donkey's skin than marry him. Considering it a provocation, the king gives her the donkey's skin and banishes her from the palace.

What do they do with donkey skin? ›

What are the donkey skins used for? The collagen from the donkey skins is used to create a product known as ejiao (pronounced uh-jee-ow), which is then used in food, drink or beauty products.

What is quidding in donkeys? ›

Dental disease is more common in older donkeys. Suspect dental problems if donkeys are 'quidding' (dropping part chewed feed) or drooling saliva. Please read our information on donkey dental care.

What are the growths on donkeys? ›

Sarcoids grow as lumps on your donkey's skin. When they first appear, they may be very small or hidden beneath the hair. This can make them difficult to spot initially, so they may seem to appear suddenly. Sarcoids may spread to other areas of your donkey's skin and can be locally 'aggressive'.

What are donkeys slaughtered for? ›

A shocking six million donkeys are now killed every year for the skin trade. The Donkey Sanctuary's latest report on the skin trade reveals that at least 5.9 million donkeys are now slaughtered every year to meet escalating demand for ejiao, a traditional Chinese medicine, made using their skins.

What is a Jake donkey? ›

Male donkeys are called jacks, and females are called jennets. ■ Donkeys have 62 chromosomes and horses 64, but they can interbreed. A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse, and a hinny is the offspring of a male horse and female donkey.

What is lockjaw in a donkey? ›

Tetanus, also referred to as lockjaw, is a disease caused by toxins (harmful substances) released by bacteria that have entered a wound or cut. Donkeys, horses and ponies are more susceptible to infection than other types of animal.

What is it called when a donkey screams? ›

The sound itself is also known as a bray. A mule or donkey's bray is loud and jarring when compared to the gentle neigh of a pony. If you have a loud, goofy laugh, your friends might describe it as a bray, too.

What do donkeys do when angry? ›

If a donkey does not feel like you've alleviated their discomfort, they may escalate their body language to include: Rapidly swiveling their ears back and forth (a sign of high anxiety or alertness) Pawing angrily at the ground (can indicate they are ready to charge)

Do donkeys get attached to you? ›

If donkeys have a warm and welcoming home, are handled correctly and experience the kindness of humans from an early age they will reciprocate and show their affection to us.

Why do donkeys show you their teeth? ›

Behind a donkey's 'smile' is, in fact, an additional way for them to process smells. Curling up their lips and exposing their teeth is known as a 'flehmen response'. It helps them transfer interesting or unfamiliar scents to an organ just above the roof of their mouth that processes smells.

What does mange look like on a donkey? ›

Clinical signs

Mites are rarely seen at The Donkey Sanctuary but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of any skin condition producing hair loss, irritation, thickened skin with scabs and exudate.

How do you treat sarcoids in donkeys? ›

Sarcoids in donkeys
  • Causes of sarcoids. ...
  • Types of sarcoids. ...
  • Treatment. ...
  • Surgical removal. ...
  • A related method (ligation) ...
  • Cryosurgery (freezing)
  • BCG injection.
  • Chemotherapy.

What does laminitis look like in donkeys? ›

Evidence that a donkey has suffered from bouts of laminitis can be seen as 'laminitic rings' on the hoof wall. These can be distinguished from other 'event rings' (eg sudden changes in diet) because they are not parallel with each other but spread out towards the heel.


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.