The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana (2024)

MODERN CO-ED TALLER, IIEA VIER THAN OIRL IN DAY OF BUSTLES Cn)cIc-bgpeobfhl IURTTT IHOWf nffltOTRD HTOICN. DtlT, RUT AND 'XX EX CM DSVELOF HEALTHIER 9TUOENT t. n. riNUM wy'M mtanukrn UxfMI, Im. ftdf to thuju Th pmi, wlilch kM bnnn eUd ajdverflty, If eomUaUjr Jdtaf to Its curriculum.

lath sewvpoper which ootn to your noma tharo art tha agential of a food ad cat Ion. Thtra ta a vary amaH part of tha aum of human knowladft which haa not paaaed acroaa lta pafea. Why ora tha American people better informed than any other nation? Because they have more and better newspapers that are more universally read. bn mr wmu Anew lev Ua Mm RKhllr Jem KimmI Lowell WIU. A.

CAMFBEU Ftlda aa BWm KmM TO iMMltlM Prom. Th Associated ta auid ta um pubiiou au lttUkM credit 4 to It Of not othorwi roHd la ai ho locl novo pubUohoe trU. Railroads roport rj fow bookings of Monuas people lor ouihrn rort. war I south for (h viator wkn raa Joj plll-boi soil right bore Id our own hoallhr climate? Tflt'b'WM 481 ad 4S8 Pateerttor will coofw for bjr MlUna mo 40 ti.pSa If Mrrltn fall to 4llr papor promptly 8UBBCKIPTION HATH Tr Sunday. dollvoroJ by carrier or by malL ao year In advance.

I TO Dally and Sunday, oao monte. by carrlar or maU. la advance. Sunday Independent, by mall only, ono yr Dally Indopendeui. by mall only, on year NOSTRUM For the reason that the federal government does not deal with children, except in an advip ory and research sense, and that social welfare is one of the responsibilities reserved by the I states.

Congress is not likely to consider seri 'ously the proposal of Congresswoman Ruth Bryan Owen to create a department of home and child with a secretary In the President cabinet. The government at Washington gives some attention to the education of children, but only In a way that may help the states to solve FRIDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1930 Tor pnrpoee of comparison with tha l.dOO Smith Oollaga girl from tlld to 1111, record were ladled of gtrl from Bootoa. Obor lta, PL Louis, tha University of Iowa and tha Ualvemtty of Nobrae-ha la tba period from 1111 to till.

At a reautt of these atadlea. It wm found that the median height of Smith College atndenla at each ago level wai greater than thoea of th gtrle examined from II to I year ago and that the median eight waa algo greater than thn wolght Hated In tha comparative tudlee. For oxampla. Smith College gtrla graduated from till to till averaged five feet five Inch tu height, where gtrla entering tha other oollegaa that have been mentioned II to 40 year ago varied from five feet on Inch to five feet three Inches, or an average of about five feat two Inch, In height. Th median weight of Smith College girl entered at 1 and graduated at 10 were ISO and 121 pound; the median weight entrance end graduation of lS-year-old student were 111 end 111 pound; of l-y ear-old atudente, III nnd 111 pound, and 10-year-old etudenta, 114 nnd 111.

In eon treat with thee figure, gtrla of an earlier period had medium weight from 100 to 111 pound. Obvloneiy th hygiene, the diet, the exercUe, rest, end other factors of modern living nr making a better type of girl physically than existed II to 40 years ago. Th tlrt at tdy is aa athletic I coa wh ha prtitUd la Mb I deer games freai eerlr childhood, who ha aot haawa tha reetratat of keerr, tight clothing, and who haa had for at leaat II years aa ado-aate diet. Tha soil lrl of II or 41 I roar mo roproeeatod aa entirely different great ao far aa eoaearaod her ambition, th hygiene of her I Ilf, ead bar geaoral character. Recently etady wea made of I the phyalcal msasuremeate of l.dOO Smith College student for purp1 of comparison with a etmtlar group satertag college II to 10 year ago.

Oat of 1,011 etudeate oater-tag eollege between thn age of II and 10 and remaining nnd irade-lailng fonr yean later, T.l pr cent I entered at II. Il at IT. 41.1 at 1 II. II 4 at II. and 1.

1 at SO. It wea found that a highar oentage of atadanta of the stocky typo iLerted collage at aa earlier as, th alender type aUrUag at later age; th etndeaU of an mediate type hare a constant par-ceataga at all agea. On of th re aeon why atardlar built girl enter eollege earlier ta probably the fact that they are laoa of a hnnltb problem throughout childhood. Tha tardily hallt girl salf-raltent and her parent are more likely to permit her to leave hom*o earlier then th on who la apparently lender. 3k AX; 1 4 -V? To -2, itV ft EUROPE IS NERVOUS In Paris the semi-official press speaks openly of war clouds." In Belgrade excited patriots call for blood.

In Germany the Fascist leader Hitler incited by his nine-fold gains in their educational problems. Home economics the election, testifies in court that his party claims the attention of a bureau in the depart- pUns to behead the fathers of the republic and Uent of agriculture but only in its relation waw war if necessary to overthrow the Ver- to the greater field with which this department aailea Peace settlement. deals. The Pubhc 8ervlM) concerned In Geneva foreign ministers and premiers with child health as a part of its general fune attending the League of Nations confess that tion. The national training schools for boys efforfk at armament limitations have been fu- and girls are houses of correction and there-tlle and that the general European situation is fore have an integral relationship with the de- much worse than a year ago.

partment of justice The children a bureau i But perhaps the chief danger point as usual omew hat more independent but its work is is Italy, with Dictator Mussolini asserting a nevertheless closely related to that of the depolicy of terrorism at home and chauvinism partment of labor. To combine all these func-abroad. He has just executed group of Jugo- tions under one head would result in i ore di-Slavs for alleged espionage. He haa just un- vision of powers and duplication of effort than seated his right-hand man. the relatively milder result from the present system.

Turati, and elevated as head of the all-powerful Efficiency and economy would not result Fascist party, the notoriously strong-arm from the creation of such a department, but Gluriatl. He has recalled his foreign minister experience with other new departments the -from the League of Nations meeting suddenly Pt has taught the public that there invaria-and without explanation. He haa broken off bly follows in their wake more centralisation of the Italian-French naval negotiations and power at the expense of states rights, more thereby jeopardized the American-British-Jap- bureaucracy more taxes, more government fcnese naval treaty which is dependent on anlrodling wore politics. Itian-nch ament. The London Tim tll of swimming contMt t- In addition there are a dozen other d0" tgndgd by 40 000 Scotchmen at which th collection spots some of them such as the Hungarian amoun0 t0 13 4g.

porry the Times did not plota for revenge and the German-Polish fron- roent0n tn American tourtt present nd tier dispute serious. I contributed 1 2 All in all European developments are very NEW Y0RK G. 0. P. GOES WET disquieting.

TRUE CONDITIONS IN MONTANA rro The Lcerletowm Dwnonat Rows of SENTENCB SERMONS By the RBT. ROT IM1TH. D. lx hiler Slmpeos If. Church.

Minneapolis TO LIVE FOR Lust is to lose the incred beauty of lov. Ones stomach i to make ones mind pay the price. Today is to impose a terrible handicap on tomorrow. Laughter is to rob life of all its enduring' joys. Fame is to live in anxiety all ones life.

Truth is to share Its martyrdom much of the time. Others, one must be ready to overlook ingratitude. Now that the New York republican state con- A very Interesting summary th agricultural and other eondl- tions In Montana haa been pro- Uat Pared by Chari R. MeClav of the aay Moatana Flour Mills company for distribution among the that ooaeera. so that It will ha a wide circulation, east and west Hn MeClav aay: Between oaasua years 1118 and II 24, th population of Montana dropped from I4T.8II to 812,610 The state enjoys the dlstlnetlon of being th only on suffering a 1 TO1la population during this period Only ono In On.

mlgM Infor ttot a common laborer, un- backward du sg That fact, in Usalf. lndi- bot eueh not th ly avary particular, splandld prog- ha boan mad. In 1120 a wav of land aettlo-meat. following eon traction of the third northern transcoaUnoetel railway lino, raaohod lta height Homesteaders flocked tn to use their lend right. Many wore with eut knowledge or expertoac la farming amd posaoaaod of but limited resources.

Th lueompotent and Inefficient among thorn have fadsd fro th pietur. Those who remain eoneUtnt an agricultural group not oxcollod In character courage and ablUty by any like group alaewhero. Any lo In aum hero haa ba more than eompen-for by gain In InteUlgenc from this survey Is worker lo aot by first to go to tk Indue hasp. Indd. tbs per of men over 48 waa th th lot.

Th group and 10 year of ag wea most numerous. Of the msu laid off thro out of under 4 8 years of ag. the men studied had boeu from Jobs requiring skilled hands. the period of unsmploy' bean due to a slackness In manufacturer articles than any general stoppage arg1 of th country. Tbs single class of skilled or worker was eompeaed In tb transportation This Included ehesfteurs drivers aa well as Tb asxt most of th unemployed among skilled mechanic, painters, carpenters, like.

Although tbs textile which has boon long Massachusetts, showed that were not nearly ao of these t8d The Senate Lobby Committee threaten to bring vention has officially repudiated the republi Ault for nboi against newspapers which continue nfltionfll dry plunk of 1923 find the fldmin-print the chargee made againet Nye and his aeaoci- jgtrations policy, perhaps the G. O. P. politic-atee by Ruthlees Ruth McCormick But the Senators jang jn Washington will discover that prohibi-retain the right to libel private rltliens and take gleaned Iho older me a th trial scrap eaatag least of twn 20 by far lb total of four wore Most of laid off of seml-ekllled 10 was skilled cstee that ment has In trad rathar th largest sel-aklUd of tho Industry. and truck railway n.

numerous class found machinist, and tha Industry depressed In lay-offs numerous th lay-offs numerous as ta lay-orra or iu By Frederic J. Hu kin The Haskin Letter vantages of the congressional Immunity laws. WHERE UNEMPLOYMENT HITS HARDEST The New York state convention voted three to one in favor of prohibition repeal and will appeal to the electorate on that wet platform. and poultry products has Increased 208 per ent; acreage In sugar-beet haa rla from 8,800 to acres. A pea-canning and seed Industry has reached Important proportions; fha bean crop ha gone from 28,000 to 628,000 bushels: Livestock herds have grown from 4,187,000 to 6,104,000 head.

Production of alfalfa aeed, honey and garden truck has grown rapidly and Is contributing substantially to those who have specialised In thee product. Two hundred four fur farm In tho state are reviving it original Industry la an Important way. In 1820, Montana lpd practically no federal-aid highways; there are now 2,700 miles of such roads In the state of which all but 400 miles are gravel surfaced. Two hundred miles of new railway lines have been constructed with additional mllssgs projected end In Immediate prospect. Automobile registrations have doubled; farm tractors In us have Increased from 7,847 to more than 84,000.

Nm-br of telephones Increased 20 per cent Gibson dam. Impounding water sufficient to Irrigate 100,000 acres on the Sun river project waa completed In 1828, and water Is now available for use. The mines of the state contributed 182.000.-000 to Its wealth In 1928. The number of banka haa decreased during this period, but average resources per bank have Increased from In 1920 to $717,187 In 1930, while bills payable and rediscounts of Mon-tana banka have dropped from 2S, 166,644 to $2,204,870. Natural gas, and the oil Industry, which are developments of the past few years, are adding a million dollars per month to the wealth of the state.

From the foregoing, It la obvious that potwitbstanding a small loss In population Montana has made substantial progress during the past 10 years. MORE COSSACKISM District Attorney Norman C. Orr of Oakland I t7mV7heVet candidater Charles county, Michigan, desired to serve his fellow Uj waa nominated for Governor citizens as a zealous officer of the law for an-1 The Qf this is not that it repre- Washington, D. 0., Sept. 17.

In an effort to detrmlne what kind of persons constitute the army of the unemployed, th United States bureau of labor statistics has looked other term. But he was not certain of election. gents a cja0ge jn actual sentiment. New York to suppose their foreign birth had much to do with discrimination against them in the awarding of Jobs. Ofttlmea this discrimination arose from lack of familiarity with the language.

The number of jobs open to the immigrant who cannot maka hlmaelf readily understood nor understand kla employers Is, naturally, leas than to the native born, English-speaking American. It Is probably this defect of language, rather than any definite prejudice against the foreign born as such which accounts for much of the excess 8 per cent. Almost exactly half of the men studied among the unemployed were married with an average of 3.2 children each. In a few eases, the children were old enough to take care of themselves or at least contribute toward the family Income; this, however, was the exception. The majority had Infanta to take care of with more expected.

Nearly half of the total was mad i thoM who skilled worker, la th mechanical pempeteae of those wno ft A I Studio, such a. tbl. serve th. During thU purpose of rovosliag what kind of Utrotion of td workers are awaiting a turn of th Vjfnnsuranc in time to got back late employment. from wbat working material ta wtUngh dovoi- tbo bookonlag hand of employer.

00,00. 7drgs oo't ,25 00o It should prove aa Index, also, to Up roa from 288.000 to tho typo American who now hom*opowm ZT ZVr bolding off from tha snorchandloo thd hg eompieted. market for laek of purchasing pow- 3W gr will bring tn 450,000 Consumption of elec- He needed to do something spectacular. Where! jong, known as a wet state In fact, into the experience of represen- would he turn? But hitherto the republican party in that state tative American city. Boston, in Some alleged radical laborers had a summer 8ubmjtted to a dry dictatorship which did the th tlmeB camp at Farmington.

They had been unlucky not the actual sentiment of a major- f'd hoTd' or careless enough to locate on land adjoining ofe party or of the electorate there. Ku Klux Klan property. Orr was told about gQ the gigrnificance of the convention action Lightest auggeon of a handicap, it. Why not raid this camp and prove bima I recently at Albany is that New York republi- while it the law of eompeti-a Wolverine Horatius stemming the Muscovite cang bave for the first time a platform on thisltion that such should be the case tide? issue which is representative and politically government interested to The idea appealed to him and the raid was honest I determine to what extent the rule staged with astute deliberation. A powerful There is no mystery about the reason for this posse was gathered and the advancing hosts Ludden honesty.

As the G. O. P. leaders have nSr wnSid ble difficult' were Hanked by photographers and reporters. Lj President Hoover, a repeal platform repu- I typical Urge city.

Every Orr and his legions swooped down upon the I dieting the national republican platform and I urge city which has grown to unsuspecting workers like Sam Houston onL gdiryniatratinnt. policy was necessary if the groat al hn ome differentiating Santa Anna during his afternoon siesta. republicans were to have the least chance 0f chavaoterUtlc. Boston probably is ings were occupied windows broken, furniture the November election aJfaInst the wet smashed the safe blo.w" 1 ychBdren Roosevelt. the men dispersed and the women and children jbe effoj-ta of the administration to prevent representative.

cowed. Everybody was ordered away fromthe jj.g arg-est state organization on the it waa found that the average site and eleven workers were arrested. They chief igsue in national politics has failed be- unemployed men was 35 were held for $10,000 bail. cause evasion 1, no longer politically expedient horsepower. OXK TEAPOT POME IB Th charges of 8.

Kelley, 0rajB acreage haa Increased 48 chief of th Held division of th Mnt; aereas 1 hay has more up of single men, nearly all fMrlf interior departments general land doubled; production of dairy young. The small difference be-Jgfffea 1 tween the total of the married and at Denver, -unfortunately concern tho interior department, such state as New York ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS single men was made up of widow- IrsUsj asserts that billions of dol-ers and divorced or separated men. Iarg wortb 0f Colorado oil lands Practically every man of this latter btTa been transferred to private group, however, bad persons de-1 Btarsats in deflancs of the mining pendent upon him for support. United States, through ing prime. While not old enough to have complete experience or the Wo may not recogulxo Russia, but the Hoover nd- highest aklH, he still Is young ministration now haa th Russian bear to bear theenough to possess a good deal of burden of its mlatskes.

Oakland county papers carried news of the raid with headlines large and black enough to announce a second Battle of Manila Bay or the sinking of another Lusitania. But this was the purple peak of Orrs career. From that time on bad luck beset him. The arrested men were taken before Judge Covert, who dismissed all of them. Orr was not discouraged by this.

The men were rearrested and three others added to the list. But the judge once more dismissed all the defendants. On top of this Orr now has been beaten at the polls and sued for false arrest. It serves him right. He is a Cossack at heart.

Best Editorial of the Day i physical vigor and endurance. advantages should Just about bal ance at tha age of II That average, of course. Is made up of many much older and many whose very youth perhape would militate against them In getting certain employment. What is of special Interest is that It was found that no less than Some were supporting wives from whom they were separated, some were paying alimony to divorced wives. Widowers were supporting minor children.

Even among the single men a considerable number were supporting parents, brothers, or sisters. Reason for Lay-Offs So, then, the economic aspects political and other prdssura brought to bear on tho aecrotary of the interior. It ta a staggering charge, but th man who makes It giro it point by throwing up his Job aa a protest More than that, tho department concerned is th asms department one beaded by Albert B. Fall, later termed a taltblesi public official" by the supreme eourt Few Americans realise how much their government does tor them. Readers of The Helena Independent can draw on aU government activities through our free information are vie.

The worlds kttat 11-brraiea, laboratories, and experimental stations are at taetr com mead. Ask any OutiQB 0' Uct and It will ba tnswerwl. tr. mall direct to you. Sneloae two-eent stamp tor reply address The Helena IddenIt Information hureau.

Frederle J. Haskla, director, Washington, D. From The Manchester (England Guardian. of unemployment were sharply em-1 Q( the United 8tatee, after the oil The Toronto Telegram Insists that when Dr. Clarence True Wilson discusses th Canadian liquor tTade, he drop hi middle name.

When he discusses the liquor problem In th United States, he should have It changed to Untrue Wilson. PEE WE GOLF PREPARES TO INVADE ENGLAND We receive so much from America our film, our I one.qUartar the men studied had songs, many of our plsys, and soma of our idioms I gomep hygjcai defect. Th fact that that probably wo might aa well make up our mind to I th(ie men, wore out of work may accept 'miniature golf with becoming humility. Tbel bgTg been jB every cue due to new game 'apparently bear about aa much relation physical defect but there is a to real golf aa ping-pong does to lawn tennis; tojtxong reason to suppose that ln-judge by th published descriptions. It is a cross b' firmlty was a contributing cause, tween oroquet and tiddlywinks, wherein a player I Hre, then, find employers sin-armed with a putter tries to make hla ball negotiate out thc mor perfect human unheard-of Obstacles' knd may find himself bunkered gpecjmeM jn gtTBg job.

The in a length of drainpipe or diverted from Ms he finding constitutes a lesson in the by an unsuspected trapdoor In th turf. importance of maintaining health In America th pastim is claimed to hare tWolan(j avoiding" accident Even great advantage; It makes a lot of money tor though the praaones of some latent proprietors of the "courso, and It takes up very Ut- ninMB mar not impair a worker; tie room, whereas th Tal golf links Is the most prod- ability st the time. It Is a potential An employer would bo igal of all forms of exercise (except, possibly, Channel! uamy. phaslxed by the survey. In the great majority of cases, unemployment of the men studied meant more than a curtailment of their own comfort br prosperity.

The hardship of being out of a job was shared by others. Only a few out of the total stood entirely alone; Four and one-half months ws the average length of time these men had been out tit work at the time the surVey waa made. The layoff was the most usual reason given of being ottt or That scandals In his department had been exposed. Bo It la not hrd for th public to believe that such things can happen. They have happened before In this interior department.

The secretary hi charge now not Fall, but Rejr Lyman Wilbur, formerly president of Loland Stanford university. Unfortunately, oven that Is no guarantee that all Is wall. College presidents have been' gypped too often by slick ereoka for the publto to so Q. What does the word cover 'mean In stock market transactions? L. O.

A. Cover Is an English expression and is rarely heard In this country. It Is the equivalent of margin the money deposited with a broker when ona does not purchase stock outright. Q. Do royalties call each other cousin because practically all tha royal families are related? T.

C. F. A. Sines the 16th eenutry tha word cousin has been used by sovereigns as an honorific style in addressing persons of exalted, but not equal sovereign rank, the term brother being the style used by one sovereign In addressing another. Q.

What kind of a flower la th go wan? D. 8. A. Qowan is the same popular ly gives tn Scotland to the daisy. How mneh money dld Henry Clay Frick leave to charity? M.

K.i A. Mr. Frick divided his residuary estate, estimated at fifty mlV Hon dollars, among vkrioug hospitals and educational and, chart tablg institutions, Q. "What 1s a gambrel roof? IV s. A gambrel roof Is ona Ip which, ona each aid of tba rtdgu there are two slopes, the lowei more the upper lse so, and which haa gables at tha end walla It la' particularly characteristic a colonial construction In New Em land, Nw York and Nagr Jersey.

Q. What Is th Origin of thl word Dago as appUed to an Xta) ton? -f A- Dgo (s bellsved to be a eon -ruptioh of tb common Bpanlsh an( Fortuguesv.rihriajUaanameD POST-GRADUATE EDUCATION When America was young teaching was one I of the functions of the mother. Schools were few and far between, and knowledge was gained at the family fireside. Through be I fi ls, these men had not been, dls-1 egpt the mere feet ef charged for Incompetence or other I presence as assurance that hla do-similar eansee: they fad boon-laid I partment is porfeetly honest. for years the system of public schools grew until LVimming) and take up a very great Theglow take tho time to train a today knowledge is imported by trained teach- gamo's Invasion of England Is said to Imminent; I tB a Job If there wore reason ova bv what little attention a there Is talk of a miniature course in tho neighbor- to boliev that some defect, what iirae attention a ww Fead01y clrcs-possibiy wo mar yet liretemi ef which, airoady nre appar- mother IS willing ana.

able to give. Em residing over this now on-1 -nt Would heeom Aggravated -and mother ia willing ana. awe to give. the restored Eros presiding over thlsuew en-l eBt, would become aggravated and Q. What does the abbreviation tk In prise fighting records moan? T.

O. "Th la tb abbreviation tor technical knock-out q. How many poopl In th United States liv in xlties of or over, and bow many of thoa ettloa are there? J. H. G- A- According to th preliminary figure of tb eonaus thsro sr 84 cities of 100.000 or more In tb United Stats, and they bav aggregate population of approxl matsly 18,400,000.

Q. How big' a harrow can need with tractor r. R. Harrows to ba drawn by tractors bare boan built that art If fact wide tn 11 sections. 4 Q.

What te tho greatest proo-sura that can bo created? D- A. Tho record pressure te said to have boo 000.000 pounds per square tech with which Prof. Percy Rrldgman of Harvard, university turned water Into loo hot enough to bon un 15 Q. What ship ha tho highest masts? H. A "'V -''t-1 A- Tho transatlantic liner Ma oft boeauso of lack of work tkam to perform, Another Interesting highlight MO I.

The American press is the university OI thel tartalnmnt and oven featured aJ a. form of bunker incapacitate tba worker la th 1 PM1- Through it those whose school daysl Whlch tb diminished Duncana and Dlegels I course of a few year. few or We been left far behind are en- must play their shots. I ignorance of Uxpmo Cowntn 'abled to keep abreast of the times. In it they! It do not soom at all the kind of exercia tht Another very Interesting feet d- finds quit ononghUuood In this surveywa tbt4 Any suggestion that tho Interior department te at Its dirty tricks again must bo received with anxiety; and when the man who makes th protest boUevss It so strongly that ko chucks array kla Job it 1 time for tho whole situation to examined with gnat carok On Teapot Dome affair lg jnoro than enoughs Baltimore San.

sriATice noHtie and I would tempt tho real golfer; deaUng 1 on an ordinary putting green without L. cent of th men studied wore 'Current events. Tnrough it leaders OI tnougntl t0 mMt embarrassment that aoundlof foreign birth, Boston has NOW IS THE TIME TO SELECT Plants and Bulbs Forr' Fall Planting ASK FOR CATALOG molders of opinion deliver their messages. I morg 1k4 part of a nightmar than a aortoug round! higher percentage of foiga born who reads hi newspaper conscientiously 0f co*k. In the golfing aensa it, A cloistered and than many cities tand intelligently adds to his store of knowledge! fugitive virtu that is eonteat to pit lUeU sgalnst mu extoot.

to not a 10-ysrd putrwlth a drain-pipe descent la tha mld- However, It should be noted that iJUTTM Fsrdon me, rm saro.rvo seen yon aomewher before, Yore so much Uka Jonaa, ths ehauffsnr," Joaaa. "Ah. that' aeeonnta for tk re-msrkahl Fail, Vlanamv- v. i ir- 5 State Nursery Co. Phono 327 die Of It; your true goiter eravee to hit them as wall I Bostons foreign brn population te otber agency comes into aa con, nd wben findkfbl ball waU under-1 only 32 per cent Hare, then, we with the great mass, Of the people in nof Begtb mB.

0Terbangipg buakpr be xonsiders that be find an additional per tent, over -other way, can so many and chiHbaa little more to learn.fromelther art pr nature and above a true proportion, who tdren be reached continuously to impart knowl- about obtructlva devloe and design. I are 4Bt of work and there in reason Jeette whose mast tip te 229 fast above water Una. j- V- rr x'.

The Independent-Record from Helena, Montana (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.